Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I Know People Mean Well, But...

...please, please, please stop asking me how I'm feeling every time you see me or email me. It's enough with that already. It makes me feel like I should be feeling bad or something. I don't feel bad! I get some of the usual aches and pains associated with being 21 weeks pregnant. Also stop asking me if I feel the baby all the time. I don't. I feel it every day, but not every single second of the day. That also makes me worried that there is something wrong with me. I worry enough as it is.


Erika said...

You tell it sista! It's always the worst in your first pregnancy too b/c you do worry more and I think people tend to be more concerned for some reason. Just wait for the "you haven't had that baby yet!" comments....those make you wanna kill someone.

Amy Anderson said...

Isn't it so annoying???

So, how are things? How are you feeling? Are you feeling the baby move a lot? ;-)

Lauren said...

So, when I see you (whenever the hell that may be), I'll just say, "Oh my GOD! You're HUGE!!!" I bet that'll make you feel good.