Friday, March 7, 2008

All I Need Are Some Tasty Waves...

Well, actually what I'd like are some Tastycakes. Or a Little Debbie snack cake. Or any cake really. The point is, I am really into baked goods.

This is so unlike me. Usually I'd go for savory over sweet. That's not to say I don't enjoy my desserts. I really do. But I usually really enjoy my savory meals more.

It started last weekend when I realized that all I wanted for breakfast was some pancakes. Preferably of the chocolate chip variety. It was a good thing I was meeting Amy and the gang for breakfast at Miss Shirley's. I got my pancakes, and they were damn good.

But here's the weird part. I don't normally order pancakes, or any other kind of sweet breakfast item, when I go out to breakfast. I almost always prefer a nice omelet or some such thing.

Fast forward to today. I went to Whole Foods before I went to work so that I could get some lunch (I had a doc appointment this morning and was going to be late to work anyway). I picked up a salad, which at the time, only semi-appealed to me. By the time I was at work and ready to eat said salad, I couldn't have been more sad to eat it. This is normally not the case.

So what did I do? Ate part of the salad, threw the rest away, braved the rain outside and hiked to Panera (less than a block away) for a chocolate chip cookie and a pumpkin muffie (the top half of the muffin). And I ate the hell out of them.

The ironic part? This morning I was complaining to the midwife about how tired I am, and she suggested cutting out simple sugars. Um...I'll start that tomorrow. For sure.


wassygirl said...

i guess the cupcake at jamie's party didn't count then... :)

Erika said...

OMG, now I want some Tastycakes too. YUMMO! What is it about baked goods in pregnancy?