I am always so exhausted after work. It's a long damn day. Then I go home, make dinner, play with the baby and hang out with the husband. Which is all great stuff. I'm not complaining. But dude. I'm TIRED. So by the time the baby goes to bed (LATE), all I want to do is go to sleep. The dishes don't get done, the dust stays put on the furniture, and I don't even want to discuss the floors.
I figured out what I need to do to get a little housework done late at night after Tucker goes to sleep and Brian is doing work.
I drink a huge cup of coffee before I leave work. I'm rarin' to go until about 11, 11:30. I got so much done last night, people. Is this the best thing for me? Probably not. But for now, I finally realize why so many people drink coffee. I'll stop drinking it eventually. Like when I retire.
Golf Tournament
4 years ago
Seriously - hire a cleaning lady for $50-75 every 2 weeks if you can afford it. It is so worth every. single. penny.
As far as the rest - I feel your pain. Any chance Dad can kick in on some meal prep and maybe do a crock pot thing once or twice a week?
mmmmm. coffee.
What about us fat preggos that can't have coffee?
I hate coffee... something about the smell. I know ALOT of people will argue with me about that.
Anyways... just wanted to stop by and say I feel your pain!
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