It's always a surprise when I pee a little as I sneeze. Even though I'm prepared for it, the pee pee is still a shock.
We had our big ultrasound yesterday! It was pretty exciting. I am 19 weeks 4 days (well, yesterday I was 19 weeks 3 days), and I am measuring at 20 weeks. That has been pretty consistent throughout the pregnancy - I've been measuring four days ahead for each ultrasound. The tech said the doctors likely wouldn't change my due date from April 18th to April 16th, so we're just going to go with a due range. How's that?
We could have found out the sex yesterday, but we want to be surprised. We did get to see the brain, four chambers of the heart, kidneys and bladder. The baby was resting (I don't normally start feeling it till much later in the day - our appointment was at 8:30 in the morning), and it refused to roll over so that we can see its spine. So, we have to go back soon for that. Oh well, another chance to see the baby!
What was pretty funny was that the baby's hand was underneath its chin, its mouth was a little bit open and its legs were crossed at the ankle. It relaxes the same way that I do. The mouth open thing is a big thing on my mother's side of the family. So at least I know the child is mine. I was a little skeptical for awhile...
Golf Tournament
4 years ago
Aww, congrats on the fun ultrasound and having to have another one. We had to do the same thing with Caroline and I wasn't the least bit upset to go back again.
I'm so glad things are continuing to go well for you.
I admire you being able to wait to find out, it'll make it that much more exciting!
Best Wishes,
Marla (from NMD)
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