Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I Am Hilarious

It's been a couple of weeks since I've blogged. I actually have something to blog about, but I'll do that later. For now, I want to share how funny I am. And modest. Definitely modest.

Anyway, a coworker approached me, saying that another of our coworkers - I'll call her JJ - told him that I'd be able to give him some information that he asked JJ for. Clearly JJ was just pawning work off on me, as I had no information to give my poor associate.

So I said, "She is such a fucking pig. Just like Alec Baldwin's daughter."

And we laughed and laughed.


Erika said...

Don't you mean a "rotten little pig?" ;)

HILARIOUS! I called and left my brother a message like that on his phone last week when he didn't answer. Thanks to Alec Baldwin for such great things to say on someone's voicemail....and to call a co-worker.

Amy Anderson said...

I was just going to email you and ask you about your lonely blog...Weird!